Author : Mohammad aslam ansari
Keyword : E-learning, e-learning readiness,
Subject : Agriculture
Article Type : Original article (research)
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : E-learning has emerged as a tool to improve the access, affordability as well as availability of education to the masses. However, the issues concerning the readiness of the different stakeholders for implementing e-learning needs to be studied so that it can be implemented successfully in higher education institutions. The study seeks to assess the e-learning readiness of teachers a premier State Agriculture University (SAU). A structured pre-tested questionnaire was administered to faculty members selected through stratified random sampling. The study findings indicated that the faculty of selected SAU was ‘e-learning ready but needs improvements’ in certain areas to make it more effective and successful. However, about 40% of faculty displayed a positive attitude towards e-learning although more than half of the respondents agreed with perceived usefulness and ease of use of the new technology. The study will be useful for policymakers and decision-makers for designing relevant and appropriate strategies for effective implementation of e-learning in higher agriculture education systems of the country.
Article by : Mohammad Aslam Ansari
Article add date : 2020-07-05
How to cite : Mohammad aslam ansari. (2020-July-05). Study of e-learning readiness of teachers of state agriculture university. retrieved from