Author : Dr. nirmal prasad neupane
Keyword : Paediatric radiology, clinical case, intrabronchial carcinoid
Subject : Pediatrics
Article Type : Case report
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : A 14 years old female patient presented with a history of diffuse wheeze and difficulty breathing for the past 5 years. History of occasional cough and fever was also noted. There was no associated chest pain. No significant history of foreign body aspiration was noted. There was no family history of asthma or tuberculosis. The patient had been treated in the line of childhood asthma for the past 4 years.
Article by : Nirmal Prasad Neupane
Article add date : 2020-09-13
How to cite : Dr. nirmal prasad neupane. (2020-September-13). A case of paediatric intrabronchial carcinoid mimicking bronchial asthma. retrieved from