Author : Dr. nirmal prasad neupane
Keyword : Paediatric radiology, clinical case, omental lipoma
Subject : Pediatrics
Article Type : Case report
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Paediatric omental lipomas are rare fat-containing lesions in the children with less than a dozen cases reported in the literature. Though these lesions can grow to a large size before diagnosis, these are benign encapsulated lesions and can be completely excised. Proper imaging evaluation can help in delineating the extension of the lesion as well as in ruling out other malignant fat-containing lesions in the abdomen. Since these lesions can recur after excision, follow up of the patients is advised to rule out the recurrence.
Article by : Nirmal Prasad Neupane
Article add date : 2020-09-13
How to cite : Dr. nirmal prasad neupane. (2020-September-13). A rare case of paediatric giant omental lipoma. retrieved from