Author : Dr. swachhanda songmen
Keyword : Portal vein diameter, doppler study
Subject : Medicine
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : np n, rk g. measurement of portal vein diameter, peak systolic velocity and pulsatility index by ultrasound doppler evaluation in asymptomatic nepalese population. journal of institute of medicine. 2017 apr 1;39(1).
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Introduction: Portal vein diameter and Doppler studies give hemodynamic information that can correlate with disease status. Their normal values are not established in Nepalese population. This study aims to establish the normal values of portal vein diameter, PSV and PI in Nepalese population and study their variability with age, gender and ethnicity. Methods: Cross-sectional hospital based study. All adults more than 20 years of age attending ultrasound OPD of Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu for general health check up were included. Patients with liver disease, cardiac disease and ascites were excluded. A single observer took all measurements. Data were entered in a predesigned proforma and analysis was performed with SPSS 21.0. Results: Two hundred patients were included in the study. The mean age was 44.34+12.9 years. The mean portal vein diameter was 10.41+1.18mm. The mean portal vein PSV was 33.35+9.3cm/s and PI was 0.76+0.07. There was a positive correlation of portal vein diameter with age (r=0.345; p<0.001). Also, mean portal vein diameter was significantly higher in males (10.9+0.99mm) than in females (9.9+1.1mm). PSV and PI did not differ with age, gender or ethnicity. Conclusions: Mean portal vein diameter in this study is comparable with previous standards.
Article by : Nirmal Prasad Neupane
Article add date : 2020-09-13
How to cite : Dr. swachhanda songmen. (2020-September-13). Measurement of portal vein diameter, peak systolic velocity and pulsatility index by ultrasound doppler evaluation in asymptomatic nepalese population. journal of institute of medicine.2017: 39(1).. retrieved from