Muhammad zakaria

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1. Muhammad zakaria
2. shazia hasan

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Difficulty in emotion regulation
psychology distress
suicidal ideation

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Author : Muhammad zakaria, shazia hasan

Keyword : Difficulty in emotion regulation, psychology distress, suicidal ideation

Subject : Drugs

Article Type : Original article (research)


Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Abstract— Cognitive theory explains that the substance intoxication develops a syndrome which directly affects the central nerves system. It further creates troubles in perception, thinking, concentration and emotion regulation. The difficulty in emotion regulation problem causes the suicidal ideation and psychological distress in substance patients, but most of the clinician is unaware about the role of emotion dysregulation in substance intoxication and other psychological problems that they didn’t provided specific treatment for emotion regulation problem to controlled substance intoxication and its related problems. The present study explore the role of difficulty in emotion regulation with suicidal ideation and psychological distress among patients with substance use disorders. The date was collected from 60 patients with substance use disorders, with age range from 18 to 35 years. The sample size was arranged through the G Power software. Data of the current study was collected from different government and private hospitals and drug rehabilitation centers of Lahore city Pakistan by using of convenient sampling technique. The difficulty emotional regulation, suicidal ideation attributes and depressions, Anxiety, Stress (DASS) scales were used for data collection. The simple linear regression statistical analysis was used for data analysis. Simple linear regression analysis indicated that difficulty in emotion regulation (β= .214) is positively associated with suicidal ideation and psychological distress, depression is (β= .322), anxiety is (β= .326) and stress (β= .320). Among patients with substance use disorders. Difficulty in emotion regulation has positively predicated the suicidal ideation and psychological distress among patients with substance use disorders. The present study was found that the difficulty in emotion regulation plays a significant role in suicidal ideation and psychological distress among patients with substance use disorders.

Article by : Muhammad zakaria

Article add date : 2020-09-16

How to cite : Muhammad zakaria, shazia hasan. (2020-September-16). Mr. retrieved from