Author : Dr sanjoy chowdhury & neha kumari
Keyword : Eye diseases, children, conjunctivitis, vitamin a deficiency, cataract
Subject : Ophthalmology
Article Type : Case report
DOI : 10.21276/tr.2020.6.2.an1
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Purpose:To assess the pattern of common eye diseases in children of 0-15 years of age attending an outpatient Eye Department, Bokaro General Hospital (Ophthalmology Department) Jharkhand. Material and Methods: A modified WHO eye examination proforma in respect of each child was filled in for the recording of personal history, examination results and treatment required. The pattern of eye diseases affecting the children of Bokaro causing blindness and visual impairment according to age and sex was assessed. Results: All total of 520 children of which 57.1% were male and 42.9 % female were examined during the one-year period. Squint (17.7% ) was the most common ocular morbidity followed by bacterial conjunctivitis (14.8%), Vernal Catarrh (12.1%), trauma (9.6%), blepharitis (7.9%), vitamin A deficiency (7.5%), lid problems 7.5% (chalazion, stye), Corneal ulcers and Corneal opacity accounted for 9.4%, nasolacrimal duct block 3.7%, trachoma 2.3%, and Cataract 1.4%. Out of 520, 334 children in the age group 7-15 i.e. 64.2% were examined for refractive errors and 56.8 %found to be visually impaired. Others causes were less than 1%. Conclusion: The distributions of male and female children were similar in different age groups. The number of eye disease was highest in children age group 7-15 i.e. 64% followed by age group 1-6, i.e. 27.5% and children less than 1 year were 8.3%.
Article by : The Researchers
Article add date : 2020-07-09
How to cite : Dr sanjoy chowdhury & neha kumari. (2020-July-09). Pattern of common eye diseases in children of 0-5 years: a hospital based study in bokaro, jharkhand. retrieved from