Author : Omprakash rajwade
Keyword : Soil solarization,plant nutrients,soil-borne ,weed flora
Subject : Agronomy
Article Type : Original article (research)
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Soil solarization is an organic approach for managing soil-borne pests using high temperature produced by absorbing radiant energy from the sun. The method involves soil heating by covering it with a clear plastic film (2-4 mil, Note: 1 mil = 0.025mm) for 4 to 6 weeks during summer months of the year when the soil receives the highest amount of direct sunlight. It is an effective tool for managing the population of soil-borne pathogens, weed flora, eggs and larvae of harmful insects. Being non-chemical in nature, it can be a useful eco-friendly option for pest management in organic food production. Increased plant growth and yield of annual and perennial field crops, vegetables and fruit crops usually occur by adopting this technique
Article add date : 2020-10-05
How to cite : Omprakash rajwade. (2020-October-05). Soil solarization: a nonpesticidal method for controlling weeds, diseases and nematodes. retrieved from