Author : Anita raj panigrahi
Keyword : Marine sponges, screening and isolation of fungi, bioactivity, optimization.
Subject : Biotechnology
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : ijrpc 2017, 7(1), 92-106
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : The marine environment is a rich source of both biological and chemical diversity, which has been the source of unique chemical compounds with the potential for industrial development. In recent years, a significant number of novel metabolites with potent pharmacological properties have been discovered from the marine organisms. Several robust new compounds derived from marine natural products are now in clinical pipeline, with more clinical development. In our present study, we had collected the sponge samples from the Bay of Bengal. From that we had isolated microorganisms, screened for activity, extracted the bioactive compound from the selected isolate and identified the isolate. Samples of different sponges are collected by removing a piece of the animal (sponge) and kept in sterile YEME broth in a screw capped tube and stored at low temperatures. We isolated microorganisms from various sponge samples by following screening procedures of which one sample was primarily selected for further studies. From the selected sample namely KSP 03 09 2010, morphological studies of the isolates 2F, 3F, 5F, 6F and 7F were performed and identified as fungal isolates. Phenotypic characterization of the fungal isolate 5F by IMTECH, Chandigarh revealed that it belongs to the genus Penicillium. Bioprocess parameters like production medium, sea water composition and incubation time for growth and production of secondary metabolites were optimized to get high yield of the bioactive. Bioautography of the crude extract of 5F revealed that our compound was a mixture of 2- 3 compounds.
Article add date : 2020-10-14
How to cite : Anita raj panigrahi. (2020-October-14). Screening and identification of marine sponge associated fungus producing novel bioactive molecules. retrieved from