Author : Chimdessa uma negera1 adugna eneyew bekele1 beneberu assefa wondimagegnehu2
Keyword : Ethiopia, food security, livelihoods, local institutions, logit model
Subject : Agricultural research
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : 10.1177/2516602619853419
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Among sub-Saharan countries, Ethiopia is known for its dominant informal institutions and chronic problem of food insecurity. However, the role of local institutions in households' food security in Ethiopia is less understood. Thus, the aim of the study was to identify local informal institutions and their roles in household food security. Mixed methods research was used to collect and analyse data relating to membership in local institutions and their food consumption. A logit model was employed to identify the role of local institutions in households' food security. The result showed that 45.1 per cent of households were food insecure. Rural households' membership in Iddir, Equib, Debo and Jarsumma strongly helped them escape food insecurity. On the one hand, participation in women's associations and Jiga did not significantly contribute to their food security. On the other hand, Dado was found to reduce their food security. We conclude that the programmes and policies that target food security should provide support to those informal institutions that successfully contributed to hunger reduction.
Article by : Chimdessa Uma Negera
Article add date : 2020-10-20
How to cite : Chimdessa uma negera1 adugna eneyew bekele1 beneberu assefa wondimagegnehu2. (2020-October-20). The role of informal local institutions in food security of rural households in southwest ethiopia. retrieved from