Author : Mr. sajid ahmad, dr. parveen khan & mr. shakeel ahmad
Keyword : Inclusive education, children with disabilities, perceptions, administrators, teachers
Subject : Social sciences
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : inclusive education
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : The problem under study was to know about the perceptions of Administrators and Teachers towards inclusive education in boy’s primary schools of district Peshawar KP, Pakistan. The study was descriptive in nature. The population of the study comprised administrators (Headmaster, DEOs, ADEOs, and circle in charge) and all boys’ primary school teachers in district Peshawar of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. A sample of the 238 administrators and 346 teachers was selected through random sampling with the help of raosoft sampling calculator. The main objectives of the study were; to find out the perceptions of administrators and primary school teacher towards inclusive education; to explore the effect of inclusive education on the life of children with disabilities and to identify difference between the perceptions of administrators and teacher A self-made questionnaire was used as data collection tool, having five point likert scales by descriptive analysis, and inferential analysis consisting of independent T-test were used to summarize the responses .Analysis revealed that majority (78.6%) of respondents were in favor of inclusive education & Both findings and conclusion indicate that there is no difference found between the perceptions of administrators and teachers towards inclusive education & both were favor of inclusive education It was recommended that for effective implementation of inclusive education in-service teacher programs and arranging of seminars and conferences on inclusive education to improve their knowledge about ways of practicing and accepting inclusion for a better tomorrow for our Children with disabilities
Article by : Sajid Ahmad
Article add date : 2020-10-22
How to cite : Mr. sajid ahmad, dr. parveen khan & mr. shakeel ahmad. (2020-October-22). Perceptions of administrators & primary school teachers towards inclusive education in peshawar, kpk pakistan. retrieved from