Author : Suresh rasaily1,*, sulaxmi katuwal2, santosh subedi3, nita sunam4, jyoti sapkota5, aric vaidya6
Keyword : Canalicular reconstruction, angiocatheter tube.
Subject : Oculoplasty
Article Type : Case report
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Canalicular lacerations can result from direct or indirect injury to the canalicular system. Case 1: A 34 -year-old male had lower canalicular laceration in left eye with a sharp object. An angiocatheter tube was used as a stent for canalicular reconstruction. Case 2: A 52-year-old male had road traffic accident sustaining injury in right eye resulted in a conjunctival tear in lower fornix, lid tear involving the canaliculus and medial and lateral canthi laceration. All of the structures were repaired successfully during a single procedure. An angiocatheter tube was used as a stent for canalicular reconstruction. The focus of these report is on the method used, as well as the material for the repair in a rural hospital. Conclusion: Angiocatheter tube can be a suitable alternative to silicone tube for canalicular repair.
Article by : Suresh BK Rasaily
Article add date : 2020-10-22
How to cite : Suresh rasaily1,*, sulaxmi katuwal2, santosh subedi3, nita sunam4, jyoti sapkota5, aric vaidya6. (2020-October-22). Monocanalicular repair using angiocatheter tube as a stent in secondary level hospital.. retrieved from