Gizealew Dagnaw

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1. Gizealew alazie dagnaw and sisay ebabye tsigie

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The intelligent six generation networks for green communication environment

Author : Gizealew alazie dagnaw and sisay ebabye tsigie

Keyword : B5g/6g, green communication, artificial intelligence, iot, green industry

Subject : Computer science

Article Type : Review article

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Today human life without telecommunication is beyond belief. Green communications is the practice of selecting energy-efficient communications and networking technologies and products, and minimizing resource use whenever possible in all branches of communications. Green technology has drawn a huge amount of attention with the development of the modern world. Similarly with the development in communication technology the industries and researchers are focusing to make this communication as green as possible. In cellular technology the evolution of 5G is the next step to fulfill the user demands and it will be available to the users in 2020. This will increase the energy consumption by which will result in excess emission of co2.Future wireless networks (B5G/6G cellular networks) and Internet of Intelligence (IoI) are assumed to be the key enabler and infrastructure provider in the global ICT industry, by offering a variety of cutting-edge services with diverse requirements. The standardization of 5G mobile cellular networks is being expedited around the world, which also implies more of the breakthrough candidate technologies will be considered beyond 5G. Therefore, it is worthwhile to provide insight into the emerging paradigm-shifting techniques as a whole and examine the disruptive design philosophy behind them. In regard to B5G/6G, it is meaningful to highlight one of the most fundamental features among the revolutionary techniques in the B5G and 6G eras, i.e., there emerges ubiquitous intelligence in nearly every important aspect of mobile cellular networks, IoT (Internet of Things) and IoI (Internet of Intelligence), including radio network accessing, radio resource management, mobility management, service provisioning management (e.g. service function chains), networking (e.g., network slicing, mobile edge and fog computing, SDN/NFV, cloud, CogMesh, etc.), human behavior recognition, and so on.

Article by : Gizealew Dagnaw

Article add date : 2020-10-27

How to cite : Gizealew alazie dagnaw and sisay ebabye tsigie. (2020-October-27). The intelligent six generation networks for green communication environment. retrieved from