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1. Saqer sqour

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Influence of hagia sophia on the construction of dome in mosque architecture

Author : Saqer sqour

Keyword : Domes, hagia sophia, mosque domes, ottoman mosques.

Subject : Science and knowledge

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : This paper discusses the influence of the revolutionary pendentive dome of the 6th century church Hagia Sophia on building domes. The paper aims to track the impact of the structure of the dome of Hagia Sophia on Muslim mosques. It, also aimed to compare the Hagia Sophia building with selected Ottoman mosques. The study has begun analyzing the construction of the dome of Hagia Sophia. Its structure comes due the transition from erecting half spherical dome on circular plan to be above a square plan. Further, a creative architectural component in the history of domes helped to achieve such transition that is the pendentive arches. These arches formed a challenge for several architects and engineers to compete with this design, including the well-known architect Sinan Agha. This study presents different cases of buildings with domes influenced by Hagia Sophia, some of them belonging to Ottoman Period, while others are of those built later. It shows the dome of Hagia Sophia influenced majority of Ottoman mosques. Example: Sultan Ahmed or the Blue Mosque, Suleymaniye Mosque and Shahzadah Mosque in Istanbul, and Muhammad Ali mosque in Egypt. However, necessary pictures, diagrams and sketches helped to conduct this study.

Article by : SAQER SQOUR

Article add date : 2020-10-28

How to cite : Saqer sqour. (2020-October-28). Influence of hagia sophia on the construction of dome in mosque architecture. retrieved from