Author : Saqer mustafa mahmood sqour
Keyword : Cooperative housing, housing in jordan, private housing, costs and benefits in housing
Subject : Engineering research
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : 10.5923/j.arch.20160601.02
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : This study deals with the missing costs and benefits in private housing projects. Clearly private projects concentrate on monetary costs and benefits; while social ones beyond that. Significance of the study comes from that private projects contribute enormously for the building industry; and these projects ignore social cost-benefit analysis. Thus, aim of this study is to identify these missing costs and benefits, and to propose suggestions for betterment. Methods used for conducting this study are: Reviewing literature about the (cooperative housing projects) of Jordanian Engineers Association (JEA), studying different opinions of different writers on the topic, choosing case studies from Jordanian Engineers Association projects, and identifying the missed costs and benefits in those case studies. The paper finds that cooperative housing projects aim to give out plots to members of their societies; they neglect other side effects. However, sacrifices are the social benefits or the values. The paper ends mentioning the importance of the social cost-benefit analysis, and the importance of government’s roles in private housing projects
Article by : SAQER SQOUR
Article add date : 2020-10-28
How to cite : Saqer mustafa mahmood sqour. (2020-October-28). Missing costs and benefits in private architectural housing projects. retrieved from