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1. Dr. b. durgadevi

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Apical root resorption
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periapical abscess
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Distribution and severity of apical root resorption in inflammatory periapical pathologies amongst diabetic and non diabetic patients – a pilot study

Author : Dr. b. durgadevi

Keyword : Apical root resorption, diabetes mellitus, pulpal disease, periapical abscess, apical periodontitis

Subject : Medical

Article Type : Original article (research)


Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Diabetes mellitus is one of the common metabolic disorders that affect multiple organs. Diabetes and oral diseases such as dental caries and periodontal disease have been extensively studied. Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the distribution and severity of apical root resorption in inflammatory periapical pathologies and to correlate the severity amongst diabetes mellitus and non diabetes mellitus patients. Materials and methods: This pilot study included 24 patients, 12 diabetic patients grouped as case group and 12 non-diabetic patients grouped as control group. Periapical pathologies were assessed by clinical examination. Intraoral periapical radiograph was recorded and severity was studied. Results: The prevalence of apical root resorption was evidenced more in the case group compared to control group. Moderate and severe root resorption was more in periapical abscess group of diabetes patients when compared to apical periodontitis group.


Article add date : 2020-07-17

How to cite : Dr. b. durgadevi. (2020-July-17). Distribution and severity of apical root resorption in inflammatory periapical pathologies amongst diabetic and non diabetic patients – a pilot study. retrieved from