Status of particulate matter in industrial city bhilai

Author : Dr. rekha trivedi, dr. piyushkant pandey, dr. madhurima pandey

Keyword : Key words: contamination, respirable particulate matter (rpm), suspended particulate matter (spm), total suspended particulate matter (tspm), heavy metals and toxic metals.

Subject : Environmental

Article Type : Original article (research)

DOI : march/2018

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : The atmospheric concentration of the particulate trace elements was determined at specially chosen reference sampling station located at Bhilai (C.G.), which is an urban industrial location. Sampling site was free from any near source effect. Twenty-four hours particulate samples were collected twice in every month by a high volume sampler on a glass micro fiber filter paper between November 2006 to October 2008. The samples extracted by employing an automatic digestion system. Moreover, collected particulates were determined in samples by various methods. Monitoring of the total pollutants showed that the concentration of respirable particulate matter (RPM) was more than suspended particulate matter (SPM). The level of many trace elements was higher than obtained in various other parts of the world.

Article by : Dr Rekha Trivedi

Article add date : 2020-10-29

How to cite : Dr. rekha trivedi, dr. piyushkant pandey, dr. madhurima pandey. (2020-October-29). Status of particulate matter in industrial city bhilai. retrieved from