Dr Ahmed Audu

(Department of Mathematics, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria)

Author Details

1. Audu
2. a.
3. ishaq
4. o. o.
5. muili
6. j. o.
7. zakari
8. y.
9. ndatsu
10. a. m.
11. muhammed
12. s.

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On the efficiency of imputation estimators using auxiliary attribute

Author : Audu, a., ishaq, o. o., muili, j. o., zakari, y., ndatsu, a. m., muhammed, s.

Keyword : Imputation, non-response, estimator, population mean, attribute

Subject : Statistics

Article Type : Original article (research)

DOI : doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3721046

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Surveys such as medical and social science surveys, human are often associated with observations. Several schemes and estimators have been suggested by authors like Singh and Horn (2000), Singh et al (2014), and several others, However, the existing s quantitative auxiliary variables not qualitative. In this study, some imputation methods were studied using auxiliary attribute and two new imputation schemes using auxiliary attribute have been suggested. The properties (bias and MSE) of the proposed estimators were derived up to a first order approximation using Taylor series approach. Conditions for which the proposed estimator more efficient than other estimators considered in the study were also established. Numerical illustration was conducted and the results revealed that the proposed estimator is more efficient.

Article by : Dr Ahmed Audu

Article add date : 2020-11-02

How to cite : Audu, a., ishaq, o. o., muili, j. o., zakari, y., ndatsu, a. m., muhammed, s.. (2020-November-02). On the efficiency of imputation estimators using auxiliary attribute. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/345