Author : Muhammad hasyim
Keyword : Toraja, cultural site, funeral ceremony, tourist's perception, stone grave, indonesia
Subject : Social sciences
Article Type : Original article (research)
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : This study discusses foreign tourists' perceptions of Toraja which is a cultural tourism site in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Every year, tourists visit Toraja to participate in their yearly rituals of death take time to visit the graves inside the mountain cliffs (in caves) as they feel the rich cultural heritage and have a view of the traditional houses. Data were collected by interviewing these tourists through the use of questionnaires with randomly selected respondents. The results obtained showed that knowledge about Toraja cultural tourism gained by foreign tourists before their visit creates curiosity and willingness to obtain experiences in Toraja ethnic culture. Foreign tourists get to experience Toraja's rich cultural heritage. According to them, Toraja is one of the most unique, special and outstanding tourism centers in the world. The uniqueness of Toraja culture creates greater curiosity among tourists so that they want to have a cultural experience by conducting a tour to Toraja and through direct communication with Toraja people. However, they also stated the importance of some objects other than those previously listed. Tourist objects that are all related to grief such as graves, however, cause some boredom. Some tourists frowned upon the mismanagement of some tourist centers such as the natural agrotourism center which is known to produce the ingredients used in Toraja products and they suggested ways to manage these areas more effectively.
Article by : muhammad hasyim
Article add date : 2020-12-09
How to cite : Muhammad hasyim. (2020-December-09). Foreign tourists' perceptions of toraja as a cultural site in south sulawesi, indonesia. retrieved from