Ilkhomjon Muminov

(University of World Economy and Diplomacy)

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1. Ilkhomjon muminov

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New horizons of integration processes in central asia

Author : Ilkhomjon muminov

Keyword : Central asia, economic integration, integration processes, bilateral and multilateral relations, problems and risks for strengthening integration

Subject : Social sciences

Article Type : Original article (research)

DOI : 10.11216/gsj.2020.03.36548

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : In this article author analyses the current bilateral; and multilateral relations in Central Asia which may let to strengthen the integration processes in the region. Activities taken by countries for developing bilateral and multilateral relations among Central Asian Republics in a zigzag form during Independence years and will of countries for further deepening integration are researched. As well as shortcomings and achievements of integration attempts taken by countries in the 1990s are considered. Taking into account the shortcomings and achievements of integration attempts as well as obstacles of integration some recommendations are suggested by analyzing integration processes in the other parts of the World.

Article by : Ilkhomjon Muminov

Article add date : 2020-12-11

How to cite : Ilkhomjon muminov. (2020-December-11). New horizons of integration processes in central asia. retrieved from