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1. Nana charles nguindip

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The complexities of citizenship and nationality under cameroonian law

Author : Nana charles nguindip

Keyword : Complexities, citinzenship, nationality, cameroonian, law

Subject : Social sciences

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : In the light of globalisation and economic trends of our nationality law, economic integration and increase in migration with the idea of citizenship continue to decrease. Especially considering the ease on the international travel to that of decades previous, the prospect of individuals possessing multiples citizenship simultaneously has become increasingly. With the advent of globalisation, the notion or possibility of citizens possessing global citizenship has been in the rise. To this effect, modern statistics has demonstrated the undeniable presence of individuals who may call two countries home. This, in turn, has led to the increase interest in the possibility of immigrants to hold dual nationality and, where a country‟s policy currently prohibits such dual citizenship, a perfect and encouraging factor to make the concept of nationality law a reality in the global scene. As a result of this, the general world trend is towards a more open citizenship regime in which increasing numbers of countries allow their citizens to possess the nationality of another country. The situation of double citizenship is look in a different perspective under the Cameroon nationality law. Notably, Cameroonian Nationality Law is exclusive, in the acquiring of a foreign citizenship automatically cause for loss of Cameroonian Nationality and this phenomenon has created lots of implication on the Cameroonian society from the economic, social, political and even cultural denominations.

Article by : Nana

Article add date : 2020-12-13

How to cite : Nana charles nguindip. (2020-December-13). The complexities of citizenship and nationality under cameroonian law. retrieved from