Author : Nana charles nguindip
Keyword : Imputation, criminal, liability, corporate entity, cameroon
Subject : Social sciences
Article Type : Original article (research)
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : With the rise in corporate crimes in the world today, the question has been whether a corporate body can be held liable for corporate crimes or not. The paper answers in the affirmative that a corporate body can be subject to criminal prosecution and liability for crimes occurring within the corporation. In Cameroon for instance, criminal liability is imputed when there is violation of the provisions of criminal law, that is, when there is commission of an act prohibited by the law such as invasion of privacy, publication of inaccurate financial statement, tax evasion, accounting and financial fraud, manslaughter, corruption and embezzlement. This excludes those crimes that cannot be committed by corporate bodies such as bigamy, incest, perjury and rape. Considering that a corporate body cannot be imprisoned, or punished like an individual, there are ways to punish a corporation. A corporate body may be fined, ban, closed placed under judicial supervision for a specified period of time. With this in mind, the paper analyses the concept of corporate criminal liability with specific regards to corporate capacity, the basis upon which such liability attaches to a corporation and sanctions with the aim of illustrating the weaknesses of the different aspects trundled-out above.
Article by : Nana
Article add date : 2020-12-13
How to cite : Nana charles nguindip. (2020-December-13). Imputation of criminal liability on corporate bodies in cameroon. retrieved from