(Vignan's Foundation For science, Technology and Research)

Author Details

1. K saravanakumar
2. ashok thulluru
3. ramu samineni
4. m ishwarya
5. pommala nagaveni
6. nawaz mahammed

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Verapamil hydrochloride
sodium alginate
gastro retentive
floating microspheres

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Effect of sodium alginate in combination with natural and synthetic polymers on the release of verapamil hcl from its floating microspheres

Author : K saravanakumar, ashok thulluru, ramu samineni, m ishwarya, pommala nagaveni, nawaz mahammed

Keyword : Verapamil hydrochloride, sodium alginate, gastro retentive, floating microspheres, buoyancy

Subject : Pharmaceutical

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : The aim of the present research work is to formulate and evaluate the verapamil hydrochloride floating microspheres (VH FMs) by an ionotropic gelation method using different polymers like guar gum (GG), xanthan gum (XG) and HPMC K100M in the ratio of (1: 1, 1: 2, 1: 3), using sodium alginate (SA) as a cross linking agent. The drug-excipients compatibility studies were carried by FT-IR and DSC studies. All the FMs were evaluated for micrometric studies,% yield,% drug content,% in vitro buoyancy,% swelling index, and in vitro dissolution studies. Among the 10 formulations, F8 is optimized one and it is further evaluated for zeta potential, SEM, DSC and accelerated stability studies up to 6 months as per ICH guidelines. Micrometric studies results indicates FMs have good flow properties. The F8 showed maximum release of 94% at 12th h. More extended release was observed with the increase in the concentration of polymers. The effect of sodium alginate in combination with natural and synthetic polymers in extending the release of verapamil from its gastro-retentive FMs was studied.

Article by : RAMU SAMINENI

Article add date : 2020-12-14

How to cite : K saravanakumar, ashok thulluru, ramu samineni, m ishwarya, pommala nagaveni, nawaz mahammed. (2020-December-14). Effect of sodium alginate in combination with natural and synthetic polymers on the release of verapamil hcl from its floating microspheres. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/491