(Vignan's Foundation For science, Technology and Research)

Author Details

1. Ramu samineni *
2. m anil kumar
3. j malisha
4. k pavani
5. k bhavyasree
6. e r nithin

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Formulation and evaluation of topical solid lipid nanoparticulate system of aceclofenac

Author : Ramu samineni *, m anil kumar, j malisha, k pavani, k bhavyasree, e r nithin

Keyword : Active pharmaceutical ingredient (api), particle size distribution (psd), solid lipid nano particles (sln), biopharmaceutical classification system (bcs).

Subject : Pharmaceutical

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : The objective of the present study is to evaluate the potential use of solid lipid nano particles (SLN) in dermatology. The main aim of present project is to formulation and evaluation of topical solid lipid nanoparticulate system of Aceclofenac. Aceclofenac is a more potent anti-inflammatory agent belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs c o m m o n l y used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) can improve permeability of drug an d further decrease irritation potential due to entrapment. The Preparation contains six formulations by using lipid extrusion method. The prepared batches of topical solid lipid nanoparticulate system of Aceclofenac can be evaluated for preliminary evaluations like visual appearance, drug content, particle size analysis, and zeta- potential, and SEM, DSC and in-vitro release profile. The formulations F6 gave the highest drug content and better encapsulation. But the particles size is slightly increased because lipid quantity is increased. So F6 formulation is taken for incorporation into gel. The SLN incorporated gel was prepared and evaluation studies were performed by albino rat abdomen skin. The ex-vivo skin permeation studies show better release than plain SLN.

Article by : RAMU SAMINENI

Article add date : 2020-12-14

How to cite : Ramu samineni *, m anil kumar, j malisha, k pavani, k bhavyasree, e r nithin. (2020-December-14). Formulation and evaluation of topical solid lipid nanoparticulate system of aceclofenac. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/492