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1. Sangita singh and kiranmay sarma

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Barren land; delhi; soil; kriging; interpolation

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Mapping surface soil characteristics of barren land by using geospatial technology in nct of delhi

Author : Sangita singh and kiranmay sarma

Keyword : Barren land; delhi; soil; kriging; interpolation

Subject : Science and technology

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Mapping of barren land is considered to be of great concern as it is the most increasing land use type around the world. Mostly soil was assessed in terms of agricultural purposes but there is a need to assess the soil characteristics of barren lands as well. The present study aimed to determine and map the spatial variability in chemical properties of barren lands of NCT of Delhi. A total number of 22 sampling sites were selected and soil surface samples were collected during January 2018. The parametric analysis was done for soil pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Bulk Density (BD), Organic Matter (OM), Gypsum Requirement, Calcium Carbonate (%), Soil Calcium and Soil Magnesium. The results showed that the mean value ranges for pH (6-8.2), EC (70-6100 μs-1), BD (1.46-2.79), OM (1.84-17.67), Gypsum Requirement (154.08-175.65 tons/ha), Calcium Carbonate % (41.85-132.52) were obtained. The study utilises the data for the thematic map generation for interpolation by using kriging tool. Interpolation maps were prepared for each of the parameter. From the analyzed description, a linear correlation existed between some of the parameters (soil pH and EC) followed by Gypsum requirement and calcium carbonate percentage. The study provides an idea for locals, administrators, policy makers as well as stakeholders to use the barren lands for developing green spaces in city or recreational sites. This study is an approach towards integration of field data with GIS integration using ArcGIS. Till date no study has been carried out in Delhi region regarding the mapping of barren fields.

Article by : SANGITA SINGH

Article add date : 2020-12-15

How to cite : Sangita singh and kiranmay sarma. (2020-December-15). Mapping surface soil characteristics of barren land by using geospatial technology in nct of delhi. retrieved from