Author : Ayaz latif siyal, fozia khan siyal and tahira jatt
Keyword : Drought tolerant; phenological traits; water stress; wheat genotypes
Subject : Botany research
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : 10.19045/bspab.2021.100087
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Water stress considered as a major abiotic factor limiting plant growth and affecting productivity is a serious global problem of Agriculture. To determine the effects of drought stress on various yield and yield associated traits of bread wheat. Fifteen newly evolved genotypes and two check varieties viz., NIA-Amber (drought-sensitive), Khirman (drought-tolerant) were selected for various water stress under field observations. Experiment was conducted in split plot design using three treatments viz., single irrigation, two irrigations three irrigations. The test entries comprised of 11 exotic wheat genotypes (BWDYT-1 to BWDYT-11), two mutant lines (MASR-18 and MASR-64) developed through radiation-induced mutations, two doubled-haploid lines (DH-3/25 and DH8/13). The effects of water stress were determined on different phenological traits viz., days of booting, days of heading, grain filling period, days to maturity, and morphological yield associated traits viz., plant height, tillers per plant, spike length, grains per spike, main spike yield, seed index, and the grain yield per plot. Ten plants per replication/genotype and treatments were randomly selected to record the data. Result revealed that the genotypes, treatments, and genotype × treatment interactions were highly and significantly (P≤0.01) different with each other for most of the traits. However, the genotypes performed differently and variably with each other under water stress conditions imposed at various growth stages. Wheat genotypes BWDYT-2, BWDYT-3, BWDYT-4, and MASR-64 showed earlier maturity and could be more suitable under stress conditions. Genotypes BWDYT-1, BWDYT-5, BWDYT-6, BWDYT-8, BWDYT-10, BWDYT-11, MASR-64, DH3/25, and DH8/13required more days for grain filling period at T1; could be considered as tolerant
Article by : Ayaz Latif Siyal
Article add date : 2021-01-07
How to cite : Ayaz latif siyal, fozia khan siyal and tahira jatt. (2021-January-07). Yield from genetic variability of bread wheat (triticum aestivum l.) genotypes under water stress condition: a case study of tandojam, sindh. retrieved from