Author : S. azhagu madhavan
Keyword : : Î’-tocopherol; calotropis gigantean; gc-ms; phytochemical; phlobatannins.
Subject : Phytomedicine
Article Type : Original article (research)
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Medicinal plants are considered as important source of promising bioactive compounds. Calotropis gigantea is a traditional medicinal plant which is known to have biochemical constituents with potential medicinal properties. Qualitative analysis showed the presence of alkaloids, terpenoids, saponins, tannins and cardiac glycosides and absence of flavonoids in ethanolic extract of C. gigantea, while the chloroform leaf extract showed absence of flavonoids and cardiac glycosides. Bioactive compounds since leaf and latex of C. gigantea utilized GC-MS and activity investigation. The GC-MS investigation uncovered the presence of complete 46 bioactive mixes (24 from leaves and 22 from latex) with significant movement. The majority of the mixes were discovered to be comparable in both leaf and latex, however little variety was likewise seen in their synthetic profile. The concoction mixes saw in just latex were 1-[(T-butyl) dimethyl silyl thin] butane, 1-Hexadecyne, Hexadecane, L- Glutamic corrosive, Phenol-3-isoproxy-5-methyl, Trocosane and Z-1,6-Tridecadiene. Mixes distinguished uniquely from the leaves were Azulene, Benalaxyl, Cis-vaccenic corrosive, Levomenol, Profenofos, β- Tocopherol and β-Sitosterol, while the remainder of the mixes were comparable in both leaf and latex. Major of bioactive compounds presents Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) analysis. C. gigantea is a perennial plant abundantly found in all parts of the country (India) and wild in nature. The leaves of the plant were found to contain various primary and secondary metabolites. Keywords: Β-Tocopherol; Calotropis gigantean; GC-MS; phytochemical; phlobatannins.
Article add date : 2021-01-07
How to cite : S. azhagu madhavan. (2021-January-07). Phytochemical screening and comparative gc–ms analysis of bioactive compounds present in methanolic leaf and latex extract calotropis gigantea (l). retrieved from