Author : V. singh*, s.c. goswami, v.k. choudhary, p. choudhary and a.k. jhirwal
Keyword : Conservational practice, knowledge, significant, correlation, breeders
Subject : Animal research
Article Type : Original article (research)
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : The study was conducted in Ajmer district of Rajasthan, out of 10 tehsils of Ajmer district two tehsils i.e. Bhinay and Bijainagar were selected purposively. Further, four villages from each selected tehsil were identified. From each village 20 respondents were selected randomly. Thus, the entire sample consists of 160 respondents. The field survey was conducted to collect the first hand information on the relationship between the selected traits of the Gir cattle breeders and their knowledge level about conservational practices in the study area. Majority (61.25 per cent) of the livestock owners had medium level of knowledge about conservational practices in study area. The characteristics namely education, mass media exposures, extension contact were positively and significantly correlated with knowledge, whereas, age had negative correlation and highly significant with the knowledge level of the Gir cattle breeders about Gir cattle conservational practices in study area. The variables like land holding, herd size, occupation and annual income were positively and non-significantly correlated with knowledge about Gir cattle conservational practices. Family size had negative and non-significant correlation with knowledge about Gir cattle conservational practices in study area.
Article add date : 2021-01-09
How to cite : V. singh*, s.c. goswami, v.k. choudhary, p. choudhary and a.k. jhirwal. (2021-January-09). Study on the relationship between the selected traits of the gir cattle breeders and their knowledge level about conservational practices. retrieved from