Author : V. singh, s.c. goswami, a.k. jhirwal, v.k. choudhary and m. l. choudhary
Keyword : Challenge feeding, concentrate mixture, dmi, postpartum, sahiwal
Subject : Animal research
Article Type : Original article (research)
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : he present study was carried out with the objective of investigating the effect of challenge feeding on prepartum and postpartum dry matter intake in Sahiwal cattle. The present study was conducted on eighteen healthy, advance pregnant Sahiwal cattle from 60 days prepartum to 120 days postpartum. The animals were divided into two groups i.e. control and treatment on the basis of milk yield, parity and body weight. The animals in control group were given standard ration while in challenge fed (treatment) group, the animals were given additional amount of concentrate mixture. Both the groups were offered ad libitum dry fodder during entire period of study. The mean DMI (kg) in control and treatment group cows during prepartum period was 8.37±0.35 and 9.34±0.36 kg/d, respectively which did not differ significantly between treatments. The postpartum DMI was significantly higher (P
Article add date : 2021-01-09
How to cite : V. singh, s.c. goswami, a.k. jhirwal, v.k. choudhary and m. l. choudhary. (2021-January-09). Effect of challenge feeding on prepartum and postpartum dry matter intake in sahiwal cattle in the arid region of rajasthan. retrieved from