Author : Praveena raman
Keyword : Aerodontalgia, aerospace medicine, aviation medicine, barodontalgia, barotrauma, flyers tooth, in-flight toothache, military medicine, odontecrexis, patient education, tooth squeeze
Subject : Dentistry
Article Type : Review article
DOI : 10.20959/wjpps20191-12991
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Barodontalgia is the oral (dental or non-dental) pain due to changes in the barometric pressure gradient by altitude variations such as experienced by under-water divers, aviation personnel and air travellers. It is one of the important clinical entities which present with such overlapping signs and symptoms, that in normal clinical setup the pain due to barodontalgia goes unnoticed. This form of dental pain is generally marked by a pre disposing dental pathology such as an acute or chronic periapical infection, caries, deep or failing restorations, residual dental cysts, sinusitis, or a history of recent surgery. Although considered rare, dentists may encounter oral pain evoked by a change in barometric pressure, and hence close attention to areas of dentine exposure, caries, fractured cusp, integrity of restorations and periapical pathology is mandatory in those at risk. This article reviews the data regarding the history, etiology, pathophysiology, classification and types, syndrome associated, diagnosis, management and prevention of barodontalgia
Article by : Praveena Raman
Article add date : 2021-02-20
How to cite : Praveena raman. (2021-February-20). Pressure provoking pain-barodontalgia: an overview. retrieved from