Praveena Raman

(Sathyabama Dental College and Hospital, Chennai.)

Author Details

1. Koduri sridevi
2. amit munjal
3. ajay chandran
4. nachiappan s
5. Praveena raman
6. sukriti bhalla
7. sourya kumar
8. abhishek singh nayyar

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Convalescent plasma therapy

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Convalescent plasma therapy for prophylaxis and treatment of covid-19: a systematic research of facts and files, a narrative review

Author : Koduri sridevi, amit munjal, ajay chandran, nachiappan s,praveena raman, sukriti bhalla, sourya kumar, abhishek singh nayyar

Keyword : Convalescent plasma therapy, prophylaxis, treatment, covid-19

Subject : Medical

Article Type : Review article

DOI : 10.36648/2386-5180.8.2.314

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Humanity has witnessed a pandemic in late December or, early January. Novel corona virus nCov-19 is responsible for causing COVID-19. The first case was reported in Wuhan city, China in the month of December 2019. No specific drugs have been approved yet for its treatment, though, convalescent plasma (CP) therapy is expected to increase the survivable rate. The history of convalescent plasma therapy dates back to the early 20th century. A plethora of studies suggest that CP can be used to treat the emerging infectious diseases. We had a systematic search in PubMed and found numerous Chinese and Korean clinical trials of convalescent plasma transfusions. The present review gives an insight in to the same

Article by : Praveena Raman

Article add date : 2021-02-20

How to cite : Koduri sridevi, amit munjal, ajay chandran, nachiappan s,praveena raman, sukriti bhalla, sourya kumar, abhishek singh nayyar. (2021-February-20). Convalescent plasma therapy for prophylaxis and treatment of covid-19: a systematic research of facts and files, a narrative review. retrieved from