Tungki Pratama Umar

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1. Rachmat hidayat
2. raden ayu adelia safitri
3. tungki pratama umar
4. arindi maretzka

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Sauropus androgynus leaves
t-maze test

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The efficacy of sauropus androgynus leaves extract to improve cognitive function in wistar rats induced alzheimer's

Author : Rachmat hidayat, raden ayu adelia safitri, tungki pratama umar, arindi maretzka

Keyword : Sauropus androgynus leaves, beta-amyloid, t-maze test, flavonoid, cognitive

Subject : Animal research

Article Type : Original article (research)

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32539/bsm.v2i3.61

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Background Sauropus androgynus leaves is the substance which has the potency to prevent degenerative processes. Sauropus androgynus leaves has flavonoid as the main component. Flavonoid has antioxidant and anti neuro-inflammation that can be used to prevent Alzheimer dementia. Research purpose is knowing the effect of Sauropus androgynus leaves for the cognitive function and β-amyloid expression in the hippocampus of wistar rats. Methods Research was done by in vivo method, where male wistar rats (n=24) were distributed to six groups which consisting of four rats. Group 1: Normal control, group 2: positive control, group 3: standard treatment (B12 vitamin), group 4, 5 and 6 were give Sauropus androgynus leaves extract with the dose of 75 mg/kgBB, 150 mg/kgBB and 300 mg/kgBB, respectively for 28 days. Cognitive function was evaluated by t-maze test, where hippocampal β-amyloid expression was tested by immunohistochemistry. Results Time differences (day 0-28), alternation ratio distinction (day 0-28) and beta-amiloid expression were: group 1 (1,84 second; 0,23 unit; 0,518%), group 2 (56,78 second; -0,42 unit; 40,036%), group 3 (34,46 second; -0,25 unit; 33,08%), group 4 (32,83 second; -0,09 unit; 28,88%), group 5 (-3,91 second; 0,42 unit; 14,728%), group 6 (24,25 second; 0,42 unit; 9,4%). Conclusion Sauropus androgynus leaves extract at the dose of 150 mg/kgBB and 300 mg/kgBB can maintain cognitive function by decreasing hippocampal beta-amyloid formation.

Article by : Tungki Pratama Umar

Article add date : 2020-08-04

How to cite : Rachmat hidayat, raden ayu adelia safitri, tungki pratama umar, arindi maretzka. (2020-August-04). The efficacy of sauropus androgynus leaves extract to improve cognitive function in wistar rats induced alzheimer's. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/68