Author : Dr. manisha m. thakare, dr. kirti r. bhati, dr. deepak k. dobade
Keyword : Urinary incontinence, mutrateeta, yoga.
Subject : Holistic health science
Article Type : Review article
DOI : 10.20959/wjpr201610-7173
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Incontinence is a prevalent health condition that is rarely discussed as people living with the condition are often embarrassed to discuss it with their healthcare providers. There is no clarity regarding the Ayurvedic aspect of urinary incontinence. This creates a major diagnostic and management dilemma while approaching a case of urinary incontinence. Some authors have interpreted the condition of incontinence of urine as “Mutrateeta†which is one of the type of Mutraghata according to Ayurveda. Women are more vulnerable to urinary incontinence due to several reasons and they suffer silently due to lack of knowledge of preventive and therapeutic strategies directed toward the problem. One complementary behavioural intervention that may offer therapeutic benefits for urinary incontinence is Yoga toward the problem. One complementary behavioural intervention that may offer therapeutic benefits for urinary incontinence is Yoga.
Article by : DrKirti Bhati
Article add date : 2021-05-26
How to cite : Dr. manisha m. thakare, dr. kirti r. bhati, dr. deepak k. dobade. (2021-May-26). Urinary incontinence: a holistic outlook. retrieved from