Dr Hariharan Narayanan


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1. Dr. hariharan narayanan

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E-learning impact during covid-19 (higher and tertiary education)

Author : Dr. hariharan narayanan

Keyword : E-learning, distance learning, virtual learning, blended learning, higher education, tertiary education

Subject : Arts and humanities

Article Type : Others

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Education in the present scenario cannot exist without e-Learning. The concept of e-Learning is also expressed as web-based learning, online learning, internet-based learning, distance learning, distance education, distributed learning, computer-mediated learning, computer-assisted learning, Virtual learning and Blended learning. Due to COVID-19 the influence towards e-Learning has become visionary. This is an outcome of a research carried with Indian and Foreign Students to know the influence of COVID-19 towards Higher and Tertiary Education. A total of 246 respondents participated in the study who belong to India, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Afghanistan, grouped as Indians, Africans and Other nationals. The demographic sample distribution is clearly presented under discussion and results. The main purpose of the study is to highlight the initiatives taken towards education and education systems by various organizations and institutions globally, to bring out the evolution and growth of e-Learning from 18th Century to 21st Century and also to understand the influencing factors and their impact of e-Learning and COVID-19 towards Higher or Tertiary Education in this era of Corona Pandemic. This is written in a simple lucid style to make it easy for the readers of all generations to understand the concept and the impact clearly.

Article by : Dr Hariharan Narayanan

Article add date : 2021-06-02

How to cite : Dr. hariharan narayanan. (2021-June-02). E-learning impact during covid-19 (higher and tertiary education). retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/743