Jaipal Narinder

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1. Shanker k
2. jaipal narinder

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Capillary haemangioma
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Capillary hemangioma disguised in the form of mucocele – a case report

Author : Shanker k, jaipal narinder

Keyword : Capillary haemangioma, mucocele, case report, surgical excision.

Subject : Pathology

Article Type : Case report

DOI : 10.46791/ujmds.2020.080206

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Aim: To report a case of capillary hemangioma which was manifesting as mucocele but on histopathological examination revealed capillary hemangioma. Background: Haemangiomas are benign vascular tumours involving the head and neck region which is characterized by proliferation of blood vessels and usually seen in childhood. It is rarely seen in adults and associated with female propensity. Intraoral involvement by capillary haemangioma is rarely seen. Case Description: A 28 years old female patient reported with a chief complaint of growth in right buccal mucosa for the past 3 months. There was associated history of trauma while playing with her child. There was no associated pain and bleeding. The lesion was reddish in colour, measuring 2×2mm, and soft in consistency with no tenderness on palpation. Excisional biopsy of the lesion was performed under local anaesthesia and sent for histopathological examination which revealed as capillary haemangioma. The lesion was not associated with any recurrence on further follow up. Conclusion: Capillary hemangioma is rarely seen in oral cavity. The surgeon has to take utmost care while doing surgical excision because it may be associated with intraoperative and postoperative bleeding. Therefore, these lesions require legitimate clinical diagnosis and felicitous management. Clinical Significance: Spontaneous regression is seen at an early age in some congenital lesions. In case of superficial lesions not associated with an aesthetic and function problem and they may be left untreated. Surgical excision can be done in case of small and superficial lesions. However, disfigurement may be seen in deep lesions. Utmost care should be taken preoperatively to counteract bleeding if in case it transpires.

Article by : Jaipal Narinder

Article add date : 2020-08-20

How to cite : Shanker k, jaipal narinder. (2020-August-20). Capillary hemangioma disguised in the form of mucocele – a case report. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/81