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1. Houshang jamali

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A study of the epidemiology of coronavirus 19 virus in iran

Author : Houshang jamali

Keyword : Keywords: coronavirus, epidemic, quarantine, transmission routes

Subject : Microbiology

Article Type : Review article

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Review : Introduction and Purpose: Coronavirus is a mutant RNA virus that has changed the biological life of the planet Earth in a short time. Since this disease has become pandemic (1) and our country is also one of the countries involved in this disease, and by observing the spread of the disease in Iran and the problems in dealing with it, we decided to present this article. . Methods: First, we will briefly review the virus and its history, and then we will examine the epidemic of this disease from the initial stages until this time (2/10/98) and express the problems, then we will provide solutions. Conclusion: In order to protect the people and their resources, which are the same people and equipment, the chain of infection should be cut off and the rate of infection should be reduced so that the treatment system has the ability to respond to patients. One way to prevent the spread of coronavirus is to quarantine cities and areas infected with the new coronavirus. The results of various studies show that quarantine people before the onset of symptoms, which can be useful and valuable for the widespread spread of this viral disease.

Article by : Jamali

Article add date : 2020-08-26

How to cite : Houshang jamali. (2020-August-26). A study of the epidemiology of coronavirus 19 virus in iran. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/84