Author : Apoorv kumar, arohi gupta, balamurugan thirugnanam, shaffaf abdul kareem
Keyword : Elastic intramedullary nail; fracture; pediatric; tibia; titanium elastic nails
Subject : Pediatrics
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : 10.21276/aimdr.2020.6.5.or2
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Background: Closed reduction and cast application is considered the first line of treatment for tibial shaft fractures in children. Over the past few decades, management of pediatric tibial shaft fractures has shifted more towards the operative intervention owing to less immobilization, faster recovery, shorter rehabilitation period, lack of adjoining joints stiffness and less psychological impact to the children. Flexible intramedullary nails have been found to fulfil all the above mentioned advantages and they also maintain a good alignment and rotation at the fracture site. Methods: A retrospective study was performed on pediatric tibial shaft fractures fixed with titanium elastic nailing system. We assessed the fracture alignment, delayed union, nonunion, infection, motion of the knee joint, limb length discrepancy and fracture union time at the follow-up visits. The outcomes were classified as excellent, satisfactory or poor as per the Flynn classification for flexible elastic nailing fixation. Results: 20 patients were included in our study which included 14 (70%) males and 6(30%) females. The average age of these patients was 10.15 years (range 7– 14 years). The average time taken for fracture union (both clinically and radiologically) was 10.6 weeks. There were 2(10%) cases of delayed union, 1(5%) of malunion, 1(5%) of limb lengthening, 1 (5%) of limb shortening, 3 (15%) of nail prominence and skin irritation and 1(5%) case of superficial infection at the nail entry site. According to the Flynn criteria, we had 14(70%) excellent and 6(30%) satisfactory results. No poor results were noted. Conclusion: Titanium elastic nail fixation is an effective and reliable method for management of tibial shaft fractures in children. It allows rapid healing of tibial shaft fractures with an acceptable rate of complications.
Article by : Shaffaf Abdul Kareem
Article add date : 2020-08-29
How to cite : Apoorv kumar, arohi gupta, balamurugan thirugnanam, shaffaf abdul kareem. (2020-August-29). Titanium elastic nailing system (tens) in paediatric tibia fractures. retrieved from