Sreeramana Aithal

(Srinivas University, Mangalore, India)

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1. P. k. paul
2. p. s. aithal
3. & ricardo saavedra

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Agricultural robots and robotics—aspects, emergences and concerns

Author : P. k. paul, p. s. aithal, & ricardo saavedra

Keyword : Agricultural informatics, robotics, ai, artificial intelligence, agricultural sciences, development, sustainable growth in agriculture

Subject : Robotics

Article Type : Original article (research)

DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.5560233

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Robot is a machine that is powered by Artificial Intelligence and allied technologies. The Robot is run with a programmable computer and does various tasks and activities automatically. The robotics systems are normally considered as integrated systems built inside of the systems and also associated with the external controlling mechanism. It is important to note that a robot need not always looks like a human being. It is applicable in diverse areas and among these important are healthcare, business, agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, etc. In the field of agriculture, Robotics is dedicated for various pre and post production activities of agriculture and similar sectors. Previously only harvesting considered as important regarding the robotics applications in agriculture but currently, there are many concerns where robotics and artificial intelligence (including similar systems) can be adopted such as drone for the applications in weed controlling, plant seeding, environmental assessing and monitoring, soil mapping and analysis, etc. Information Technology in agricultural practices is also supported with various allied technologies viz. Cloud Computing, Big Data, HCI, Usability Engineering, Robotics, and AI, etc. According to the market, this growth of robotics is increasing and will be high very soon. This paper is a kind of review on robotics including its role in the field of agriculture and discusses the issues and challenges of AI and Robotics in the context of developing countries.

Article by : Sreeramana Aithal

Article add date : 2021-10-10

How to cite : P. k. paul, p. s. aithal, & ricardo saavedra. (2021-October-10). Agricultural robots and robotics—aspects, emergences and concerns. retrieved from