Author : Dr. ankita m. sharma*1, dr. mihir hajarnavis2 and dr. kirti r. bhati3
Keyword : Sthaulya, yogasanas, obesity
Subject : Holistic health science
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : 10.20959/wjpr202112-21931
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : Clinical trial on 116 patients was carried out to study the efficacy of specific asanas on the patients of Sthaulya. The effect of Yogasanas, Diet, Lifestyle and Diet, Lifestyle in the groups A & B respectively was assessed on the basis of criteria designed for assessment. The observations were recorded periodically in case record form for 60 days. Observations were recorded on the basis of before and after treatment and results were statistically analysed by using paired and unpaired t test in objective criteria and with the help of Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and Mann Whitney in subjective criteria.
Article by : DrKirti Bhati
Article add date : 2021-10-30
How to cite : Dr. ankita m. sharma*1, dr. mihir hajarnavis2 and dr. kirti r. bhati3. (2021-October-30). Assessment of the efficacy of specific yogasanas in management of sthaulya. retrieved from