Author : Amol velhal1* and kirti r. bhati2
Keyword : Rajonivritti, menopause, hormonal replacement therapy, ayurved
Subject : Holistic health science
Article Type : Review article
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : The ancient ayurvedic acharyahave used term rajonivrittifor menopause. Ayurvedconsiders that menopause is a natural condition inwomen’s life. It is not a disease.Acharya Sushruta said that menstrual cycle starts at 12 years of the age and stops at the age of 50 years. There is no information available regarding its purvarupa, rupa, Samprapti and nidana.This natural phenomenon was not described as a disease and the cause was the healthy diet and lifestyle of women. But now days we have to take the cognizance of menopause as lot of women are getting the symptoms. As this population is large enough, they require medical care for various symptoms. Hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) has lots of side effects, less tolerance and gynecologists also hesitate to prescribe. So it is mandatory to explore concept ofrajonivrutti(menopausal syndrome)mentioned in Ayurved and possible therapies. They haveleast or no adverse effects. KEYWORDS Rajonivritti, Menopause, Hormonal Replacement Therapy, Ayurved
Article by : DrKirti Bhati
Article add date : 2021-10-30
How to cite : Amol velhal1* and kirti r. bhati2. (2021-October-30). Menopause: ayurvedic perspective. retrieved from