DrKirti Bhati

(Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University College of Ayurved, Pune)

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1. Vd. bharat d. zinjurke*
2. dr. kirti bhati and dr. amit nampalliwar

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Contemporary and traditional perspectives of metabolic syndrome (mets)- a critical review

Author : Vd. bharat d. zinjurke*1, dr. kirti bhati2 and dr. amit nampalliwar3

Keyword : Metabolic syndrome, hyperinsulinemia, contemporary, traditional management.

Subject : Holistic health science

Article Type : Review article

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Metabolic syndrome is an emerging global health problem in the 21st century and now it is becoming a pandemic disease. Nearby 20 – 25% worlds’ adult population is suffering from MetS and the reasons for that are sedentary lifestyle, changing dietary habits, lack of physical activity, and stress. Mets are a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart disease, chronic kidney disease, stroke, and fatty liver disease. It is also a major risk factor for various viral infections disease like COVID 19 and secodary bacterial infection through hampering immunity. Mets proliferate the economic burden on an individual as well as the national health system. Present management modules only treat symptoms or the complication of MetS but do not treat the individual’s body and mind as a whole. Up till now utmost recommendations focus on diet and exercise and do not consider stress-reducing strategies. Contemporary and traditional management composed can improve this condition. This paper critically reviews the contemporary and traditional perspectives of Metabolic syndrome (MetS) and recommends the adoption of holistic treatment, a good lifestyle with an appropriately balanced diet along with Yoga, Pranayam, Meditation and a stress-free living which can prove to be effective management for Metabolic syndrome (MetS). KEYWORDS: Metabolic syndrome, hyperinsulinemia, Contemporary, traditional management.

Article by : DrKirti Bhati

Article add date : 2021-10-30

How to cite : Vd. bharat d. zinjurke*1, dr. kirti bhati2 and dr. amit nampalliwar3. (2021-October-30). Contemporary and traditional perspectives of metabolic syndrome (mets)- a critical review. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/895