The rapunzel syndrome: an unusual trichobezoar presentation

Author : Luiz roberto lopes, priscilla sene portel oliveira, eduardo marcucci pracucho, marcelo amade camargo, joão de souza coelho neto, nelson adami andreollo

Keyword : Rapunzel syndrome, the rapunzel syndrome

Subject : Medical

Article Type : Case report

DOI : 10.1155/2010/841028

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : The Rapunzel syndrome is an unusual form of trichobezoar found in patients with a history of psychiatric disorders, trichotillomania (habit of hair pulling) and trichophagia (morbid habit of chewing the hair), consequently developing gastric bezoars. The principal symptoms are vomiting and epigastric pain. In this case report, we describe this syndrome in a young girl. This syndrome is named after the girl with the long tresses in the fairy tale written by the Grimm Brothers in 1812. The Rapunzel syndrome was first reported in the literature by Vaughan et al. in 1968 [1] and was so named because the length of the hair and the uncommonness of the situation are characteristics both of the fairy tale and of the clinical cases described in the report published by these investigators. For centuries bezoars have been known to occur in the form of undigested masses found in the stomach of animals and humans. Nevertheless, this finding has become more common in humans as a result of more frequent manipulation of the gastrointestinal tract [2]. From the increase in the incidence of this finding and the current ease with which knowledge is disseminated today, it is clear that the Rapunzel syndrome, two cases of which were reported by Vaughan et al., remains rare, a finding of phytobezoars being more common [2]. This fact was recently confirmed in a literature review performed in 2007 that identified 27 cases of Rapunzel syndrome described between 1968 and 2006 [3]. A few other reports on this syndrome were published in the medical literature after this date [4–6].

Article by : Karan Singh

Article add date : 2021-11-23

How to cite : Luiz roberto lopes, priscilla sene portel oliveira, eduardo marcucci pracucho, marcelo amade camargo, joão de souza coelho neto, nelson adami andreollo. (2021-November-23). The rapunzel syndrome: an unusual trichobezoar presentation. retrieved from