Solomon Dessalegn Dibaba

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1. Solomon dessalegn dibaba

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"qeerroo fi qaarree bilisummaa oromoo"
sustained gross human rights violations
bureaucratic amharan's
neo-nafxagna and neo-abyssinian.

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"qeerroo fi qaarree oromoo" national movement and sustained gross human rights violations in ethiopia.

Author : Solomon dessalegn dibaba

Keyword : "qeerroo fi qaarree bilisummaa oromoo", sustained gross human rights violations, bureaucratic amharan's, neo-nafxagna and neo-abyssinian.

Subject : Law

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : The Amhara-Tigray colonialists’ efforts to stifle the Oromo national freedom struggle were not succeeded to fulfill their colonial ambitions, i.e. total control of the Oromo nation and the destruction of its culture, history and gadaa democratic system. For the Oromo people, nothing is more important than standing up and defending the mother land, their cultural heritage, historical treasures and dignity. It is irrefutable fact that Oromia has always defended by its legendary traditional leaders, historic warriors, heroic national figures, liberation fighters and dedicated nationals. They made ultimate sacrifice, like millions of other Oromo martyrs who laid down their lives for the liberation of their nation and people, in hope that their bloodshed inspires the descendants and current Oromo generation to keep the freedom struggle ongoing until freedom and democracy reached. These Oromos ultimate sacrifice were not worthless because the Oromo question of national identity, ‘Abbaa Biyyummaa’, and self-governance finally overtaken by Oromo national youth movement for freedom and democracy (Qeerroo fi Qaarree Bilisummaa Oromoo). ‘Qeerroo fi Qaarree Bilisummaa Oromoo’ and patriotic nationalists have recorded many historic and irreversible victories at higher price that finally destructed and cleared tyrant/fascist/genocide TPLF from the Oromia land including Finfinnee. Following the removal of TPLF the appointment of Abiy Ahmed as Prime Minister of Ethiopia from Oromo party never gave rest for Oromo people. Abiy Ahmed in cooperation with bureaucratic Amharan’s waged war against Oromo throughout Oromia to crush multi ethnic type of federalism and to replace it with unitary type of state. Oromia region back to the square one, arrest of thousands in infamous detention centers, thousands were extra judicial killed, raped and abducted by happy trigger soldiers. Under Abiy Ahmed government today Ethiopia is a center of excellence in mass extra judicial killings, mass arrest i

Article by : Solomon Dessalegn Dibaba

Article add date : 2022-01-26

How to cite : Solomon dessalegn dibaba. (2022-January-26). "qeerroo fi qaarree oromoo" national movement and sustained gross human rights violations in ethiopia.. retrieved from