Author : Joby john
Keyword : Neuro-contextual analysis
Subject : Multidisciplinary
Article Type : Original article (research)
DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.5889585
Article File : Full Text PDF
Abstract : The abiding grace of God still poured out to the hearts of the faithful even in the 21st century which is enhanced with information technology. This miracle happens through the Holy Sacraments, instituted by Jesus Christ. All these sacraments are entrusted to the Church by Christ. That is the reason why the classical definition states that the sacraments, the efficacious and visible signs are entrusted to the Church by Jesus Christ.1 This academic paper entitled Neuro-Contextual Analysis of Sacramental Symbols is an attempt to analyze the Sacramental Symbols in the realm of Neuro-Context.
Article by : Joby John
Article add date : 2022-01-27
How to cite : Joby john. (2022-January-27). Neuro-contextual analysis of sacramental symbols. retrieved from