Electronic customer relationship management, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty: a comprehensive review study

Author : Seyedhossein nikou#1, harihodin bin selamat #2, rasimah che mohd yusoff#3 mohsen malekalketab khiabani#4

Keyword : Customer relationship management, electronic customer relationship management, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, service industry.

Subject : Business

Article Type : Review article

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Electronic customer relationship management (E-CRM) is the implementation of E-technology or internet-based technology in order to attain customer relationship management (CRM) objectives. According to the literature, E-CRM is about technology, processes and people and E-CRM is to gain customer loyalty. The impact of E-CRM on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty has been investigated by previous scholars. The major purpose of current study is to review relevant studies of which have been conducted on determination of E-CRM on customer satisfaction and loyalty of customer. In order to achieve this, authors searched various related journals indexed in valid databases for collection of sufficient bibliography and then reviewing them in details. Findings provide information about each source, indicating what can be found there and how the information can be helpful. This article fulfills an identified information/resources need and offers practical help to an individual and academic starting out a research on E-CRM and its relationship with customer satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, this study will bring helpful insights for the managers of service industries to implement the E-CRM in the best shape and match it with their organizations or industries’ culture to enhance level of customer loyalty and gaining more profitability and revenue for their own businesses.

Article by : Mohsen Malekalketab Khiabani

Article add date : 2020-08-30

How to cite : Seyedhossein nikou#1, harihodin bin selamat #2, rasimah che mohd yusoff#3 mohsen malekalketab khiabani#4. (2020-August-30). Electronic customer relationship management, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty: a comprehensive review study. retrieved from https://openacessjournal.com/abstract/101