Mohsen Malekalketab Khiabani

(University Technology Malaysia)

Author Details

1. Mohsen malekalketab khiabani
2. mandana abdizadeh
3. and mas bambang baroto

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Employees’ organizational citizenship behavior
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Implementation of organizational citizenship behavior model in the iranian healthcare industry

Author : Mohsen malekalketab khiabani, mandana abdizadeh, and mas bambang baroto

Keyword : Employees’ organizational citizenship behavior, employees’ job satisfaction, healthcare industry, iran

Subject : Business

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : The article aims to test the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) model which was introduced by Organ et al. in 1990 in the Iranian healthcare industry. The authors take a quantitative approach based on a survey involving 152 questionnaires. The respondents were employees of six hospitals in Tehran, Iran. Correlation tests and standard, stepwise regression analyses were conducted to test the hypothesis and research questions. Organizational citizenship behavior is a component of job performance and vital for the development of an industry. It is a function of five dimensions: altruism, conscientiousness, sportsmanship, courtesy and civic virtue. The findings show that all dimensions have a positive relationship with OCB; civic virtue is the most salient dimension, with a 0.405 coefficient beta. The findings also support that OCB is positively related to job satisfaction, with a 0.183 coefficient beta. The paper is useful to organizational-behavior practitioners and academics. It provides some initial insights for managers in the Iranian healthcare industry by encouraging employees’ engagement in OCB, which will increase employees’ job satisfaction and organizational aspects. For the academics, the model is proven that it can be implemented in healthcare industry in Iran, and hopefully it can also be implemented in other industries.

Article by : Mohsen Malekalketab Khiabani

Article add date : 2020-08-29

How to cite : Mohsen malekalketab khiabani, mandana abdizadeh, and mas bambang baroto. (2020-August-29). Implementation of organizational citizenship behavior model in the iranian healthcare industry. retrieved from