Mohsen Malekalketab Khiabani

(University Technology Malaysia)

Author Details

1. Mohsen malekalketab khiabani
2. mandana abdizadeh
3. and mas bambang baroto

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Spiritual leadership
employees’ job satisfaction
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Testing the relationship between spiritual leadership and job satisfaction in the iranian healthcare industry

Author : Mohsen malekalketab khiabani, mandana abdizadeh, and mas bambang baroto

Keyword : Spiritual leadership, employees’ job satisfaction, healthcare industry, iran

Subject : Business

Article Type : Original article (research)

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : The purpose of the present research is to test the relationship between spiritual leadership and job satisfaction in the Iranian healthcare industry. The research takes a quantitative approach involving the distribution of 143 questionnaires to different professionals in healthcare centers in Tehran, Iran. Spiritual leadership creates an intrinsic motivation to achieve organizational outcomes. It is a function of seven dimensions: vision, hope/faith, altruistic love, meaning/calling, membership, commitment, and productivity. The authors conduct simple bivariate correlation tests, as well as linear standard and stepwise regression analyses. The findings support the notion that there is a positive relationship between spiritual leadership and job satisfaction (beta coefficient = .337). They also show that each dimension of spiritual leadership has a positive relationship with spiritual leadership. Among the dimensions, membership (beta coefficient = .890) is the most remarkable. This paper is useful for managers and academics. It can be used by managers of Iranian healthcare centers to motivate their employees and increase employees’ job satisfaction, as well as to achieve organizational outcomes through spiritual leadership and its various components. Furthermore, the model of this study can be implemented in the Iranian healthcare industry and hopefully in other industries.

Article by : Mohsen Malekalketab Khiabani

Article add date : 2020-08-29

How to cite : Mohsen malekalketab khiabani, mandana abdizadeh, and mas bambang baroto. (2020-August-29). Testing the relationship between spiritual leadership and job satisfaction in the iranian healthcare industry. retrieved from