Mohsen Malekalketab Khiabani

(University Technology Malaysia)

Author Details

1. Mohsen malekalketab khiabani
2. mandana abdizadeh
3. and mas bambang baroto

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Spiritual leadership; organizational citizenship behavior; healthcare industry; iran.

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Identifying the impact of spiritual leadership on organizational citizenship behavior in the iranian healthcare industry

Author : Mohsen malekalketab khiabani, mandana abdizadeh, and mas bambang baroto

Keyword : Spiritual leadership; organizational citizenship behavior; healthcare industry; iran.

Subject : Business

Article Type : Original article (research)

DOI : doi: 10.9734/bjemt/2016/21678

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Aims: Previous scholars have investigated the impact of spiritual leadership (SL) on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB); this article aims to identify the impact of SL on OCB in the Iranian healthcare industry. Study Design: Different healthcare centers in Tehran, Iran. Methodology: This study is based on a quantitative approach and uses a questionnaire distributed among 252 employees in different job positions within different healthcare centers located in Tehran, Iran. To analyze the data, the statistical package of social sciences (SPSS) version 22 is used. Reliability test, factor analysis and standard regression analysis were applied. Results: The findings supported the notion that SL had a positive impact on OCB (beta coefficient=.101). However, according to the results, determination of SL on OCB in the Iranian healthcare industry is very weak. They also showed that five dimensions of SL had positive relationship with SL. Among them, performance feedback was the most remarkable with (beta coefficient=.361). Two of SL dimensions were excluded due to collinearity which was membership and altruistic love. Finally, findings revealed that all dimensions of OCB had positive relationship with OCB. Among the dimensions, conscientiousness was salient with (beta coefficient= .390). Conclusion: spiritual leaders help employees to exhibit extra-role behaviors and provide further evidence to support the impact of SL on OCB. This can be a useful key to increase organizational effectiveness.

Article by : Mohsen Malekalketab Khiabani

Article add date : 2020-08-29

How to cite : Mohsen malekalketab khiabani, mandana abdizadeh, and mas bambang baroto. (2020-August-29). Identifying the impact of spiritual leadership on organizational citizenship behavior in the iranian healthcare industry. retrieved from