Mohsen Malekalketab Khiabani

(University Technology Malaysia)

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1. Mohsen malekalketab khiabani

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Learning styles
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A comprehensive study plan for identifying the impact of learning styles, teaching strategies, need for cognition, and meta-cognition on academic achievement of students in the educational centers

Author : Mohsen malekalketab khiabani

Keyword : Learning styles, teaching strategies, need for cognition, meta-cognition, academic achievement, educational centers.

Subject : Statistics

Article Type : Review article

Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : According to the extant literature, the positive roles of learning styles, teaching strategies, need for cognition, and meta-cognition on promotion and enhancing level of academic achievement is irrefutable. This study aims to plan for identifying the impact of mentioned variables on the academic achievement of students in the Educational Centers. The developed research model is based on a review in literature and is a comprehensive model which consists of four independent variables namely learning styles, teaching strategies, need for cognition, and meta-cognition. And one dependent variable that is academic achievement. In order to reach major and minor research objectives, the author develops a survey instrument with a proper standard and introduces a quantitative approach involving the distribution of questionnaires among students implementable in any educational centers. Total collected data can be analyzed through the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) or Structural Equation Modeling via Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) program (SEM-AMOS). In order to answer research questions and testing developed hypotheses of this study, reliability test, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, correlation test, and multiple regression analyses can be run in SPSS and it can be run confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in AMOS program with two-step strategy proposed by (Anderson and Gerbing 1988). The contribution of this scientific research will be pragmatic for academics in this research era because of the comprehensive research model. Also, this research has an outstanding role in bringing insight and realization for deputy deans, rectorates in the educational centers. Finally, the value of findings will be beneficial for promoting and increasing the level of academic achievement through learning styles, teaching strategies, need for cognition, and meta-cognition.

Article by : Mohsen Malekalketab Khiabani

Article add date : 2020-08-29

How to cite : Mohsen malekalketab khiabani. (2020-August-29). A comprehensive study plan for identifying the impact of learning styles, teaching strategies, need for cognition, and meta-cognition on academic achievement of students in the educational centers. retrieved from