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Scholarly JournalsScholarly Journals List 2025

Scholarly Journals

Are you looking for information about the scholarly journal? If yes, then this the best place where you can get the entire information. Well, scholarly journals are that the scholarly journal is the periodical, which is formed of the articles that are written by experts in the specific field of their study. And these articles are intended to be read by the other specialist or the trainees who are major in the same realm of the study. And they are generally much more sophisticated and the advanced as compare to the other articles that are found in the other famous magazines. For more information and also get answers to the most frequent question, for this, you have to keep reading.

What are scholarly journals scholarly?

The scholarly journal has extremely simple covers, clearly stating basic information such as titles, volume, issue numbers, and the name of the organization or the educational centers which are responsible for the publication.

The scholarly journals are just similar to the guide that help the person to identify and evaluate the scholarly that is also known as the peer-reviewed journals, magazines, and the trade publications by the printing as well as online. They are generally much more sophisticated and advanced as compare to the other articles that are found in the other famous magazines.

Well, there are the many special features of the scholarly journals such as scholarly journals show the systematic and also the thorough study of the single topic which involved the original research, experimentation, and also surveys. A scholarly article is a short article by experts for the other experts to communicate the latest information.

The peer-review process is what makes this document special before scholarly articles get published a group of the other expert reads the article whether it contains the amazing ideas, sound methods, and so on.

Definition of the scholarly Journals

The definition of scholarly journals is that the scholarly journal is the periodical, which is formed of the articles that are written by experts in the specific field of their study. And these articles are intended to be read by the other specialist or the trainees who are major in the same realm of the study. And they are generally much more sophisticated and the advanced as compare to the other articles that are found in the other famous magazines. Well, there are many special features of the scholarly journals such as scholarly journals show the systematic and also the thorough study of the single topic which involved the original research, experimentation, and also surveys.

The other thing that makes the scholarly journals more important is that they are written by the scholar in the field of education and the author is always identified. These articles contained high and advanced vocabulary and the authors are also allowed to use the technical language or jargon of their realm of study. These journals have a serious look, lacking the advertisement, want ads, and also the glossy pages, which we can find in famous magazines.

What is considered a scholarly Journal?

Well, the scholarly journals are the articles that are intended to be read by the other specialist or the trainees who are major in the same realm of the study. And they are generally much more sophisticated and the advanced as compare to the other articles that are found in the other famous magazines.

The other thing that makes the scholarly journals more important is that they are written by the scholar in the field of education and the author is always identified.

These articles contained high and advanced vocabulary and there are the many more features that are the reasons to consider such as authors are also allowed to use the technical language or jargon of their realm of study. These journals have a serious look, lacking the advertisement, want ads, and also the glossy pages, which we can find in famous magazines.

What are Scholarly Articles?

A scholarly article is one that contained in a scholarly journal that is also called academic, peer-reviewed, or also refereed journals. Moreover, the many features of the famous magazines and the scholar journals make different from one another. A scholarly article is a short article by experts for the other experts to communicate the latest information.

The peer-review process is what makes this document special before scholarly articles get published a group of the other expert reads the article whether it contains the amazing ideas, sound methods, and accurate research, and is not to say that the low quality doesn’t get through.

Instead of this, the scholarly articles are the sources of the high-quality information and scholarly articles are responsible for solving the number of the problems, which include artificial limbs, skin grafting, high-speed trains, liquid on the moon, the computer, plastic, scurvy, the pirate disease, polio, learning domains, photo-sensitive films, genetic engineering, carbon nanotubes ad so on.

What makes a journal scholarly?

Scholarly journals or refereed journals are the articles that are written by experts for the other experts to communicate the latest information. The peer-review process is what makes this document special before scholarly articles get published a group of the other expert reads the article whether it contains amazing ideas, sound methods, and accurate research.

Moreover, scholarly journals are more likely to be scientifically valid, reach affordable conclusions, and so on. In most cases, the readers do not know the name of the author of the article, so that the article succeeds or fails on its own, that does not matter the reputation of the author.

Some of the reasons that determine that an article qualifies as a journal scholarly article such as the limited database search just to peer-refereed journals, examining the publication that is required to see if it is a journal scholarly and it is very important to determine that it is journaling scholarly or look at the additional pages of the online journal and also the checking in the database. For this, to find the journal scholarly you can use the official site so that the information must be accurate.

# Scholarly Journals Title
1 Academic Pediatrics
2 Acta Orthopaedica
3 Advances in Medical Sciences
4 Aesthetic Surgery Journal
5 American Journal of Clinical Dermatology
6 American Journal of Clinical Pathology
7 American journal of nursing
8 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
9 American Journal of Ophthalmology
10 American Journal of Pathology
11 Analytical Cellular Pathology
12 Anatolian Journal of Cardiology
13 Annals of Anatomy
14 Annals of microbiology
15 Annals of Pediatric Cardiology
16 Annals of Saudi Medicine
17 Annual Review of Microbiology
18 Archives of Dermatological Research
19 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine
20 Biomed research international
21 BMC dermatology
22 BMC public health
23 Brain pathology
24 British Journal of Anaesthesia
25 British Journal of Dermatology
26 British Journal of Ophthalmology
27 Ca A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
28 Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology
29 Cardiovascular Diabetology
30 Clinical Cardiology
31 Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology
32 Clinics in Dermatology
33 Dermatologica Sinica
34 Development and Psychopathology
35 Emerging Infectious Diseases
36 Emerging microbes and infections
37 Emerging Microbes and Infections
38 European journal of plant pathology
39 European Journal of Public Health
40 Experimental Dermatology
41 Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
42 Frontiers in microbiology
43 Indian Journal of Medical Research
44 Indian journal of microbiology
45 Indian Journal of Ophthalmology
46 Indian Journal of Orthopaedics
47 Indian Journal of Pediatrics
48 Indian Journal of Psychiatry
49 Indian Pediatrics
50 Infectious diseases of poverty
51 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
52 International Journal of Nanomedicine
53 International Journal of Surgery
54 JAMA Ophthalmology
55 Journal of advanced research
56 Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine
57 Journal of Clinical Anesthesia
58 Journal of clinical pathology
59 Journal of Dermatological Science
60 Journal of diabetes investigation
61 Journal of Diabetes Research
62 Journal of Food Science
63 Journal of Investigative Dermatology
64 Journal of medical case reports
65 Journal of neuroscience
66 Journal of Ophthalmology
67 Journal of Orthopaedics
68 Journal of pathology Clinical research
69 Journal of Public Health
70 Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology
71 Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
72 Journal of the American College of Surgeons
73 Medical Journal Armed Forces India
74 MMWR Recommendations and Reports
75 Modern pathology
76 Molecular Cancer
77 Nature Medicine
78 Nature Reviews Immunology
79 Nutrition and Diabetes
80 Perspectives in Clinical Research
81 Public Health Reports
82 British Dental Journal
83 Clinical Oral Implants Research
84 Japanese Dental Science Review
85 Journal of Clinical Periodontology
86 Journal of Dentistry
87 Journal of Endodontics
88 Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry
89 Journal of oral biology and craniofacial research
90 Journal of oral biosciences
91 Journal of Oral Microbiology
92 Journal of the american dental association
93 American journal of forensic medicine and pathology
94 Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology
95 Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences
96 Indian Journal of Pharmacology
97 International journal of clinical pharmacy
98 Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
99 Journal of managed care and specialty pharmacy
100 Journal of Oncology Practice
101 Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
102 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal
103 Pharmaceutical patent analyst
104 Sustainable chemistry and pharmacy
105 The american journal of medicine
106 Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
107 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials
108 IEEE Transactions on Computers
109 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
110 Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing
111 Journal of Big Data
112 Journal of the ACM
113 NPJ Quantum Information
114 Procedia computer science
115 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
116 ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
117 Advanced Materials
118 Advanced materials interfaces
119 Annual Review of Materials Research
120 Journal of Materials Science
121 Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics
122 Materials Today
123 Nature Materials
124 Nature Reviews Materials
125 ACS Nano
126 Arabian journal for science and engineering
127 Ceramics International
128 IETE journal of research
129 International Journal of Building Performance Simulation
130 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
131 Polymer engineering and science
132 Advances in Physics
133 Reviews of Modern Physics
134 Annual Review of Immunology
135 Hepatology International
136 Phytomedicine International Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology
137 ACS Omega
138 Antioxidants and Redox Signaling
139 BMC chemistry
140 Chemical Reviews
141 Chemical Society Reviews
142 Journal of biological chemistry
143 Journal of Chemical Education
144 Journal of Chemical Sciences
145 Journal of Chemistry
146 Journal of molecular structure
147 Journal of Organic Chemistry
148 Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
149 New journal of chemistry
150 RSC Advances
151 American Journal of Transplantation
152 Indian journal of surgery
153 JAMA Surgery
154 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A Animal Science
155 Agriculture and human values
156 Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry
157 journal of agricultural economics
158 Journal of integrative agriculture
159 Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
160 Academy of Management Annals
161 Academy of Management Journal
162 Academy of Management Learning and Education
163 Academy of Management Review
164 Accounting Organizations and Society
165 European Management Journal
166 Journal of Business Research
167 Journal of International Business Studies
168 Journal of International Economics
169 Journal of management
170 Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
171 Animal Production Science
172 Journal of Animal Science
173 Annual review of statistics and its application
174 Australian and New Zealand journal of statistics
175 Journal of statistical software
176 The American Statistician
177 Journal of Marine Science and Technology
178 Science and technology of advanced materials
179 American Journal of Sociology
180 European journal of research methods for the behavioral and social sciences
181 The Social Science Journal
182 Biotechnology Advances
183 Nature Biotechnology
184 Nature Reviews Genetics
185 PLOS Biology
186 Annals of Botany
187 Aquatic Botany
188 Australian Journal of Botany
189 Australian Systematic Botany
190 Botany letters
191 Pakistan Journal of Botany
192 Plant Biotechnology Journal
193 Journal of cleaner production
194 Journal of Environmental Sciences
195 Nature Communications
196 Science Advances
197 Scientific Reports
198 Life Sciences Society and Policy
199 Annual Review of Biochemistry
200 Biochemistry
201 Cell Reports
202 Nature Genetics
203 Nature Methods
204 Nature Reviews Cancer
205 Contemporary accounting research
206 Journal of Accounting and Economics
207 Journal of Accounting Research
208 Cell and Tissue Banking
209 Journal of Banking and Finance
210 Journal of Finance
211 Food and Energy Security
212 Journal of food and drug analysis
213 Journal of Wildlife Management
214 Journal of Business Ethics
215 Advances in Nursing Science
216 International journal of nursing studies
217 Frontiers in Oncology
218 Journal of Carcinogenesis
219 Journal of personality and social psychology
220 Journal of Molecular Liquids
221 Malaria Journal
222 Conservation and Society
223 Frontiers in Immunology
224 iScience
225 Nature Immunology
226 PLOS One
227 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
228 PLOS Genetics
229 Journal of Political Economy
230 Quarterly Journal of Economics
231 Review of Economic Studies
232 Nano Energy
233 Nature Energy
234 eLife

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